The FRI Team

  • Philip Tetlock

    President, Chief Scientist

    Philip Tetlock is a PIK (Penn Integrates Knowledge) Professor, cross-appointed in the School of Arts and Science and Wharton at the University of Pennsylvania. He is the author of Expert Political Judgment (2005) and Superforecasting (2015)—and of 100+ peer-reviewed articles that have been cited 100+ times. Phil co-created the Good Judgment Project, the winning research team in IARPA’s series of geopolitical forecasting tournaments, and is a co-founder and advisor of Good Judgment Inc.

  • Josh Rosenberg


    Josh works on increasing the relevance of forecasting for policymakers and managing research projects at FRI. He is also a part-time Senior Advisor at GiveWell, where he spent several years as a manager of the research team, a co-lead on experimental grantmaking, and the lead hiring manager for the research and content editing teams.

  • Ezra Karger

    Director of Research

    Ezra is an applied microeconomist in the research group at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, where he develops methods for forecasting unresolvable questions and constructing high-frequency indices that track policy-relevant economic indicators. He was previously an accurate research subject in IARPA’s ACE, HFC, and FOCUS forecasting tournaments. Ezra receives no compensation for his role at FRI.

  • Bridget Williams

    Senior Research Manager

    Bridget is a researcher interested in improving policy decision-making. After originally qualifying and working as a medical doctor in Australia, Bridget specialised in public health medicine, working in academia, government, and international non-governmental organisations. She is currently a DPhil candidate at the University of Oxford, conducting research into effective biosecurity policy, including into the role of forecasting in developing and evaluating policies.

  • Astrid Sorflaten

    Head of Operations

    Astrid works on maximising impact through efficient operations and project management. She has a background leading operations in early-stage startups in both the non-profit and corporate worlds. Previously, Astrid developed sustainable systems and infrastructure for a rapidly growing team at Good Law Project, a UK non-profit working to achieve change through the law.

  • Christina Aguila

    Operations Associate

    Christina focuses on optimizing internal processes to support FRI's growing impact. She has a background in chemical engineering, curriculum development, and coordinating university programs. Before joining FRI, Christina fostered scientific collaboration in the alternative protein sector at The Good Food Institute.

  • Jessie Barker

    Senior Researcher

    Jessie is a behavioral scientist with a background in evolutionary biology. In addition to working part-time at FRI, she is Alaska Climate Strategy Director at The Nature Conservancy. She has many years' experience in applied social science research, from designing and testing "nudges" in randomized controlled trials to running large-scale public health surveys.

  • Houtan Bastani

    Data Analyst

    Houtan is a programmer with a background in economics. Before joining FRI, he created a forecasting platform for Bakboka where forecasts were used to inform their consulting work. He previously worked as a programmer on the Dynare project and, before that, as a research assistant at the Federal Reserve Board.

  • Jordan Canedy

    Senior Researcher

    Jordan is a researcher with a background in computational mathematics and product management. He is interested in applying rigorous scientific methods to improve decision-making for high-stakes, societally impactful issues. Previously, at Google, he led impact evaluation and data analytics infrastructure for technical education initiatives, equipping decision-makers with data-driven insights to assess and optimize and evaluate their programs. Jordan holds an M.Sc. in Applied and Computational Mathematics from Johns Hopkins University and a B.A. in Engineering Sciences from Harvard University.

  • Rebecca Ceppas de Castro

    Data Analyst

    Rebecca is a physics graduate with a background in astrophysics and cosmology research. She is deeply curious about how human judgemental forecasts shape major decisions and strategies. As a data analyst at FRI, she is particularly interested in ensuring these processes remain transparent and grounded in scientific rigor.

  • Sam Glover

    Research Analyst

    Sam is a researcher and writer with a background in political science. He previously worked at Social Change Lab conducting research into the effectiveness of protests and social movements. He received an Emergent Ventures grant from the Mercatus Center in 2022 to write about Effective Altruism and social science. He has been forecasting since 2020, and he became a Superforecaster in 2021.

  • Zach Jacobs

    Data Analyst

    Zach is a data analyst who, since 2019, has been working with Professor Tetlock and others at the University of Pennsylvania on various forecasting research projects. He served as a research subject and, in later stages, as a research assistant during IARPA's FOCUS forecasting tournament.

  • Simas Kucinskas

    Research Manager

    Simas is an economist bridging academic research and applied data science. His forecasting research has appeared in leading economics journals, and he brings industry experience from building high-performing analytics teams at Vinted, a European tech unicorn. Outside work, we predict an 80% chance of finding Simas practicing handstands, reading a fantasy novel, or tackling home-improvement projects with his wife.

  • Otto Kuusela

    Data Analyst

    Otto is a computational science graduate from the University of Amsterdam with a background in mathematics. He is passionate about exploring the systems humanity has developed and understanding how they shape our future. As a modeller, he is particularly interested in the models forecasters use to make their predictions.

  • Connacher Murphy

    Data Analyst

    Connacher is a data analyst with a background in economics research. Prior to FRI, he was a PhD student at UChicago and contributed to poverty measurement research. He previously worked as a management consultant. He is especially interested in public perception of and preparation for tail risk.

  • Alexa Pan

    Research Analyst

    Alexa is a researcher with a background in AI governance. While a philosophy and physics student at Yale, she conducted research on LLM lie detection with Owain Evans and cooperative AI evaluations at the Center on Long-term Risk. Prior to FRI, her work has also explored the AI progress and safety landscape in China. She is excited about using forecasting to inform global governance of emerging technologies. 

Academic affiliates & external advisors

  • Barb Mellers

    Scientific advisor

  • David Budescu

    Scientific advisor

  • Pavel Atanasov

    Research lead, Project Improbable

  • Mark Himmelstein

    Research lead, Forecasting Proficiency Test

  • Daniel Benjamin

    Research co-lead, Team Dynamics

  • Page Hedley

    Senior advisor

  • Elie Hassenfeld


Other collaborators

  • Carter Allen

    Research assistant

  • Morgane Bascle

    Research Assistant

  • Amory Bennett

    Creator of Quorum Research

  • Rhiannon Britt

    Research assistant

  • Christian Caballero

    Research assistant

  • Kaitlyn Coffee

    Operations consultant

  • Coralie Consigny

    Research assistant

  • Nadja Flechner

    Research assistant

  • Kayla Gamin

    Content editor

  • Jessica Helmer

    Research assistant

  • Carys John

    Operations assistant

  • Chris Karvetski

    Research consultant

  • Sivan Livnat

    Research assistant

  • Oliver Lloyd

    Content editor

  • Sophie Ma Zhu

    Research assistant

  • Anne Paglia

    Content editor

  • Nikolay Petrov

    Research assistant

  • Victoria Schmidt

    Research assistant

  • Rory Svarc

    Research consultant

  • Alina Tran

    Research assistant

Board of Directors